Reusable load carriers made of plastic
Reusable load carriers by specialists –
WALTHER folding box
Our customised reusable containers not only protect your goods during transport but are also active participants in supply chains. From barcode or smart label identification to special base designs for intralogistical and complex conveyor systems, to recesses in the container walls for handling in automated processes, a load carrier today must not only be adapted to the product, but above all to the process. You will find all types of reusable load carriers in our product range – if not in our online shop, then in the minds of our designers.
Quality has been our trademark. For over 45 years.
Sustainability and saving resources
Even if it does not seem to have anything to do with technology, material, or manufacturing methods: we take responsibility for what we do. This applies to our everyday work, but it also applies to the way we deal with resources and our environment in our work. Whatever way one looks at it, the result is better quality.
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Want to know more?
Then please get in touch. Our experts will be happy to advise you individually and help you find the solution you need.