Susanne Piminigstorfer talks about recruiting at the WALTHER Faltbox Group

Susanne Pimingstorfer about Recruiting

Susanne Pimingstorfer moved internally from Purchasing to Marketing in 2023 to fill the newly created position of Recruiter. In the video podcast, she describes how the change came about, what she particularly likes and why you should definitely apply to the WALTHER Faltbox Group.

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4 questions to Susanne Pimingstorfer

Susanne Pimingstorfer, Recruiter for the entire WALTHER Faltbox Group, about the newly created position.

You switched from Procurement to Marketing to become a recruiter. Why has this change happened?

The management team here at WALTHER thought about how to counteract the shortage of skilled labour. This resulted in a new position being created in our Marketing department. Our management went on an internal search and asked me whether I could imagine accepting this position. After a short period of reflection, I decided that I wanted to take on this challenge.


What do you like best about the new job?

Interacting with all kinds of different people – from the interns and students to colleagues from every department and the various institutions and organisations. The interaction with each other, the communication, which is important and always takes place in different ways, that’s simply what I enjoy the most.


Why should you apply for a job at WALTHER?

We work well together here. Teamwork is important to us. We like to have fun at work. And if these things are also very important to you, then this is the right place for you.


What advice do you have for applicants?

In any case, to think in advance about what is important to them in a job and for a good work-life balance. They should realise where they want their journey to take them and then be open to this journey and remain open to changes that may arise. The most important point is probably to remain true to yourself.