
Maksym Pirog about working in logistics

Maksym Pirog has been working in our logistics department since 2015. Starting out as a temporary worker, the Polish-born employee now takes on many important additional tasks, such as that of safety officer. In this interview, he talks about his career and his day-to-day work.

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4 questions to Maksym Pirog

Maksym Pirog, logistics employee and safety officer.

How did you get into logistics?

Maksym Pirog: I started in logistics nine years ago as a temporary worker. After about six months, WALTHER offered me a permanent position.


What do you particularly enjoy about your day-to-day work?

Maksym Pirog: I particularly enjoy the fact that every day is different. I have many different tasks, such as incoming goods, outgoing goods, filling out documents for lorry drivers or distributing the daily work for my colleagues. That way I can always learn something new.


How has your area of work changed over the past nine years?

Maksym Pirog: In addition to the normal warehouse work, I am also a safety officer and in this position, I check equipment such as ladders and steps in the warehouse. Sometimes I can also support our project team in prototyping. At WALTHER, all departments work closely together. This allows me to contribute my knowledge and also gain a lot of new experiences.


What advice would you give to people with the same background if they wanted to apply for a job at WALTHER?

Maksym Pirog: Jeśli szukasz pracy w miłej atmosferze, gdzie będziesz traktowany jako przyjaciel, a nie jako tylko współpracownik, polecam pracę w grupie WALTHER.

(If you are looking for a job in a relaxed atmosphere, where you will be treated as a friend and not just as an employee, I recommend working for the WALTHER Faltbox Group).